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ROMAND Han All FLAT/SHARP Eyebrows (6 Colors)

ROMAND Han All FLAT/SHARP Eyebrows (6 Colors)

Regular price Rp 114.000,00
Regular price Rp 165.000,00 Sale price Rp 114.000,00
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Romand - Han All Eyebrows

- Easy to use on the face, not excessive color on the base
- A coating film of wax and oil that lasts even when sweating

- With a flat shape that doesn't need to be cut, it's as sharp as new every day
- Expresses the bangs/shape of the eyebrows as you want, quickly and fills the empty area without clumping

- 1st Step: thin but clear 1.5mm pencil
- 2nd Step: cream powder
- 3rd Step: screw brush perfectly suited to the formula

#romand #rom&nd #hanallseries #romandhanallseries #romandnewseries
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